Wrestling will help you get fit and stay healthy and some facts about wrestling.


If your interested in joining your school's wrestling team or want to wrestle for tournaments? Wrestling is one of the world's oldest sports, and more complicated than you might think. This article will go over the basics as they are practiced in sports, but there are many different kinds of wrestling, and sports wrestling is just one!

There are plenty of benefits awarded to the wrestlers who dedicate themselves to the sport. It’s obvious that wrestling develops a physically strong base, but it also teaches lessons that can be translated into other aspects of life once a wrestler’s career is over. If you’re uncertain about whether or not you or your child should wrestle, this guide offers a few reasons that should help you make your final decision.

Wrestling is considered the oldest sport on earth. Cave drawings dating back to 3,000 B.C. depict the sport and it is also referenced in the Bible. 

The father of the modern Olympic Games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, recognized and respected the origins and traditions of the Ancient Olympic Games.  He named wrestling, among 8 other sports, as “Foundational Sports” of the Modern Olympic Games in 1896.